
Career SuccessFeb 12, 2024

2023 AMP GSV Fulfillment Employee of the Year

Congratulations to our GSV Fulfillment Employee of the Year, Erin Moes!

If you work outside of Fulfillment, you may not know Erin well, she is quiet but mighty in her department and this recognition is truly well deserved. Erin consistently not only hits, but exceeds her benchmark goals on a weekly basis. For the year of 2023, Erin herself published over 1,600 Google Street View Trusted virtual tours! 1,638 to be exact, leading the team at an incredible pace, and equating to 25.4% of total tours published for the year!  

Not only is Erin incredibly productive, her work is exceptional, and she has a great eye for detail making sure to provide the best end product possible for our customers. Erin is always willing to jump in and help out with difficult tasks, priority projects, or to answer questions when asked all while maintaining a great attitude. This year, Erin underwent a change in leadership, which can always present its own set of challenges, and also transitioned to working remotely. Throughout these changes her productivity never wavered, and she continued to exceed expectations and set the bar incredibly high.

Here are a few comments from her peers:

Erin has taken on multiple tasks while always keeping a high publishing tour rate. She’s helped the manager with uploading the new photos to the GSV Network that are then ready to be edited. She takes on any task with a can do attitude and never quits till the job is done. That is why I am nominating her for GSV/AMP Video Fulfillment Department Employee of the Year.”

“I would like to nominate Erin Moes because she is an amazing asset to the GSV team and AMP! She always goes above and beyond with her work and sets the bar high for both quality and quantity of work completed. She is never afraid to ask questions to ensure things are completed properly the first time.”

Thank you Erin for all you do!

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American Marketing & Publishing