April 2023 Employee of the Month.

Career SuccessMay 15, 2023

April AMP Employee of the Month!

Congratulations to our April 2023 Employee of the Month, Deitra Ring!

Deitra recently celebrated 5 years with AMP in March! For those that have had the opportunity to work or interact with Deitra, she has always left a positive impact on every person she encounters. She has an infectious kindness, an incredible eye for detail, and a passion for helping our customers. These qualities paired with Deitra’s incredible work ethic and problem solving attitude, have really shined through the month of April!

In the past month, Deitra has been especially instrumental in supporting the Customer Support department with a few of our Get Seen Virtually™ customers. Our Customer Support department had three different virtual tours that needed corrections, and after gathering feedback, they reached out to Deitra for help making those corrections. Deitra worked with each customer, making sure to provide excellent support, and left each customer feeling heard, satisfied, and proud of their Get Seen Virtually™ Interior Tour! The Customer Support team was grateful for Deitra’s assistance and the hard work that she put in to ensure that each issue was resolved to the highest standard.

One of Deitra’s teammates had this to say about her:

“Deitra went above and beyond helping our customers so that their tours were looking more on brand with their location. Her help even encouraged a customer to purchase an additional GSV Interior Tour with us…I appreciate the assistance she gave!”

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American Marketing & Publishing